MadMax – Skipper School

Since 2008, the Top in Skipper training

Our 13 years of experience have enabled us to develop a method that allows the student to quickly learn everything he or she needs without unnecessary sailing theorist frills.

This is thanks to the presence of Lucas, creator of the MadMax method and catamaran skipper for more than 20 years, who personally teaches and supervises the students during the course, transferring to them his multiple knowledge and experience of the charter world.

All promoted skippers will be offered to top charter companies that have chosen MadMax Skipper School as their school of choice to hire their skippers.

During the first season, new Skippers will sail in areas where Skipper MadMax already operates, so they can be supported in any situation.

If you are wondering how to become a skipper, this is the course for you

MadMax charter trains skippers with 20 days of full immersion experienced aboard a 15-meter catamaran, with real industry professionals and qualified sailors on board, where they go over the typical vacation by “plugging in” any kind of technical/practical inconvenience that might happen on board, solving it in real time.


In addition, students will face dozens of hours of maneuvering in the bay and in port in boundary conditions, dealing with the myriad variables the sea puts before them. The topics covered will be multifaceted and all strictly practical, no theoretical explanations sprung from the air; to give an example, when we explain how to fix the bathroom’s electric motor, we will start from going into the bathroom to disassembling the toilet, because that is what the skipper will sooner or later have to do, on his own, in a hurry between stops.

Request more information
Tel and Whatsapp Erika: 371 323 4443
Tel and Whatsapp Alexander: 371 323 4379


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