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VIDEO By now, anyone who doesn’t fly is a “matusa.” Now you can go foiling even without kiting!

Mentre il kite foiling probabilmente diventerà disciplina olimpica, ed è accesa la discussione tra i puristi della vela e chi (come noi) sostiene che qualsiasi cosa si muova con il vento vada considerata vela, c’è anche chi ha deciso di

VIDEO By now, anyone who doesn’t fly is a “matusa.” Now you can go foiling even without kiting! Read More »

Maserati vs. Phaedo 3: the eternal challenge of superfast beasts is renewed at the RORC Caribbean 600

Once againit is Giovanni Soldini’s Maserati versus Lloyd Thornburg’s Phaedo 3: the challenge between the two Multi 70s is renewed and this time the “theater” of contention will be the Rorc Caribbean 600 Race, one of the classics of ocean

Maserati vs. Phaedo 3: the eternal challenge of superfast beasts is renewed at the RORC Caribbean 600 Read More »

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