MED Sailors Genova is born: the training center specializing in offshore sailing


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Genoa as a “little Lorient,” MED Sailors Genova (Mediterranean Experience Dome Sailors Genova), the offshore sailing training center promoted by the Italian Sailing Federation, was born with this idea. The operational headquarters of MED Sailors Genova will be located at Casa Vela, the new hub of Italian sailing that will rise in Genoa among the facilities of the new waterfront. The FIV initiative is in collaboration with the Italian Mini 650 class and its President Matteo Sericano. Precisely the Mini 650s will be the first boats involved, as they have already been based in Genoa in good numbers for years and will now be based at MED Sailors Genova.

The MED Sailors Genoa

The school’s activities will take place mainly in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, a choice intended to emphasize how great offshore sailing is not exclusive to the oceans but finds in the Mediterranean an ideal setting for training and competition. An initiative that can represent an important point of integration and training for the future of Italian offshore sailing, taking a cue from what happens in France where these realities are well established and are part of the secret of the success of the great “Course au large” movement, from which then come out the champions who will end up protagonists in ocean races. The MED Sailors Genova project is part of the broader development plan of Casa Vela, a hub that represents the FIV’s vision for the future of Italian sailing: a place where tradition, innovation and training meet to create new opportunities for athletes, technicians and fans to grow.



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