What you’ll find in the 244 pages of the new February issue of the Sailing Newspaper


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The new issue of the Journal of Sailing has been released on newsstands and digitally. This is a very important issue for our publication, because it is the first issue of 2025, the year in which the Journal of Sailing (born in 1975) turns 50 years old. With the 244 pages of the February 2025 double issue (double because it also contains the very rich Accessories Special) we kick off the year-long celebration of this very important birthday. We are not yet revealing everything we have in the works to celebrate this birthday with you, but know that issue 50 itself will be at the center of all our activities. Starting with this collector’s issue, the 1st of the 50th year.

The bible for equipping your boat (and getting advice on how to equip it)

Let’s come to the contents of the February 2025 issue of the Journal of Sailing. As we said, it is a double issue that contains the 134 pages of the Accessories Special, the “bible” you need to read and know about equipping your boat. Inside you will find 300 ideas among products, novelties, solutions and advice to renew and prepare it to the best. We have surveyed the best Italian and international companies that produce nautical accessories, but also the best experts who are able to advise and provide you with tailor-made consultations that can change the face of a boat. For example, do you want to give a “racing turn” to your boat? You need to choose the right sails, lines, and deck equipment to do so! The same goes for those who already have a racer-cruiser setup boat and want to improve racing performance. In addition to products, therefore, you will also find in the Accessories Special the people, who not their experience and know-how can help you in tuning your sailboat.

Not only accessories but also…Ocean!

“Stop the presses!” It feels like we are on the set of a movie like Last Threat with Humphrey Bogart or Front Page with Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau. Instead, we are simply at the Sailing Newspaper. On the other end of the phone is our Mauro Giuffrè: “They’re coming. They’re coming on time, we can cover it.” He is referring to the arrival of the Vendée Globe, the nonstop solo round-the-world race on IMOCA 60s that we have been following day in and day out over the past few months, including with our ratings champion Vendée Globe Trial on our Youtube channel and Facebook page. We had calculated every editorial timeline in detail, as we do every month, deciding in advance the topics of the issue you hold in your hands. We had calculated everything except the extraordinary speed of Charlie Dalin and Yoan Richomme, who rocketed up the Atlantic Ocean and arrived in Les Sables d’Olonne well before any wildest predictions. And that forced us to make a sudden change in the lineup before going to press. The “offending” story is at pg. 32 inside the February 2025 issue of the Journal of Sailing.

From the Vendée Globe to the ARC via a love story of a father and son

The conclusion of the incredible Dalin-Richomme duel is the icing on the cake of this extra-large 244-page issue that – Accessories and Services Special aside – tastes very, very much like the ocean and adventure. Of sailing’s Everest, the Vendée Globe, we have told you about it. But you will also discover all that, seen on the latest generation of IMOCA 60 flyers, can be used to make your cruising boat faster, safer comfortable. One historical example is furlers or whippers, which were introduced and successfully tested on ocean-going boats before becoming commonplace. And then rope materials, deck accessories, free routage programs that are easy to take advantage of even on vacation. On page 38 we tell you all about it. The Ocean is also featured in the feature, inspired by the theatrically released film No More Trouble that director Tommaso Romanelli wrote for us ( pg. 46 ) remembering his father Andrea, who passed away in the Atlantic while attempting, aboard Fila with Giovanni Soldini, to break the Atlantic crossing record from New York to England. But it didn’t end there: our own Marco Cohen went to Saint Lucia to watch the ARC (the rally for all from the Canary Islands to the Caribbean,

from p. 54 ) and tells us how the Ocean, despite how ruthless it can be (a sailor died during the race), makes those who cross it happy. Instead, we move between the Pacific and the Indian to tell you what happened to the latest–also tragic–Sydney Hobart(pg: 96), unveil the ultimate onboard checklist used by those preparing to sail around the world ( pg. 94 ), we take you to Lanzarote where we met those who set off on a crazy round-the-world trip alone, nonstop, in 5.80-m boats (pg. 108 ).

How to go about reading the Sailing Newspaper?

The easiest way to read the Sailing Newspaper is to subscribe. Only in this way do you always receive the freshly printed copy of the magazine at home, and you also have the opportunity to read it digitally on 5 devices at the same time (such as tablets, smartphones and computers). If, on the other hand, you want to buy the single copy, run to your local newsstand and…enjoy reading!

What else you’ll find in the February issue of the Sailing Newspaper

  • Dear “Minister of the Sea,” here are the tasks of 2025
  • The magnificent seven boats according to the U.S. market
  • When the ecport is really a port
  • Wizard Charlie – Vendée Globe
  • Your boat as an Imoca – Vendée Globe
  • No more trouble – What’s left of a storm
  • Strange stories from Saint Lucia
  • Once in a lifetime go here – 20 destinations where to go boating (but not only) in 2025
  • Weekender Phenomenon – The hulls of the moment “Fun to ride”
  • Classic Boats – Legends of the 1980s.
  • Saffier SL 46 – View for yourself
  • Dolcevela 48 – Out of the Choir
  • Infallible checklist before you set sail – In practice
  • Tragic epic Hobart
  • Special Accessories 2025



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