USED Classic Boat. The five best boats from HALLBERG RASSY (9.4-16.4 m)


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Hallberg Rassy 42 E

The landscape relating to Classic Bo ats-that is, production boats over twenty-five years old and launched since 1967-is a vast and ever-expanding one, made up of hulls of all shapes and sizes and, perhaps, not as easily “navigable” as one would often like. In light of this, in addition to our sections on Historic Classic Boats and Your Classic Boats, a new series of articles is born, aimed, boatyard by boatyard, at exploring 5 exceptional hulls, projects fundamental to the evolution of boating and of the “brand” itself. Proceeding in alphabetical order, then, it is the turn of the bluewater par excellence. Here, then, are 5 of the most relevant Hallberg Rassy ever produced.

  • Are you looking for a Classic Boat? Do you want to sell one? Use our Used Boat Market! It is the perfect place for anyone looking for a Classic Boat to buy, as well as the perfect platform for those who have a desire or need to sell their vintage gem. And, using it, it’s as simple as that!

Hallberg Rassy, 5 exceptional hulls from 9.4 to 16.4 meters

A shipyard responsible for some of the greatest production bluewater, the comfortable and safe boats by definition, conceived and designed to take us anywhere, Hallberg Rassy is, for sailing, a legendary brand. Born on two parallel lines, from the distinct experiences of Harry Hallberg and Christoph Rassy, it was officially born in 1972, marking a small revolution. It will be the beginning of a long series of Milestones, exceptional boats, impossible to present all in one article… (you can read the full story of Hallberg Rassy HERE).

Hallberg Rassy 53


Hallberg Rassy 312

specs: 9.42 x 3.08 m; 1979-1993; #690; Christoph Rassy and Olle Enderlein Built in as many as 690 examples in just 15 years, the Hallberg Rassy 312 is perhaps the most successful model of the entire HR production. Small, solid and marine like few hulls in its range, it is literally a masterpiece, turning out, not for nothing, among the most coveted bluewater despite its size. Merit, in addition to the build quality and capacious volumes, must be given to the water lines, which are not sleek, but powerful and capable of giving exceptional course stability to the complex, resulting in a vessel that, virtually, can take you anywhere.

Learn more about the boat and what it is worth

Classic Boat
Hallberg Rassy 312

Hallberg Rassy 36 (MK.I & MK.II)

specs: 10.87 (11.31 MK.ii) x 3.55 m ); 1989-2003; #602; German Frers With the Hallberg Rassy 36, in both versions, we have, basically, the classic story of the underdog, of the hull that, against all odds, is unstoppable. Relatively compact, comfortable and voluminous, Frers’ signature 36 is not conceived as a racer, yet, in terms of lines and volumes, it ends up wanting to be one. Always seaworthy, exceptional in any context, strong in its moderate V-section it becomes a ‘train’ in rough seas, demonstrating exhilarating vitality and pace. Not for nothing has she won several transatlantics, including an ARC in category…

Learn more about the boat and what it is worth

Classic Boat
Hallberg Rassy 36 MKI

Hallberg Rassy 42 E

specs: 12.93 x 3.78 m; 1980-1991; #252; Christoph Rassy and Olle Enderlein In the 1980s, thinking of a bluewater meant thinking of her, Enderlein’s little wonder, from which she would take the E in the 1990s, to distinguish her from Frers’ 42 (F). Indeed, with the Hallberg Rassy 42 E we are confronted with a hull that is nothing short of exceptional, a 13-meter ketch produced in no less than 252 examples and capable of going literally anywhere. Simply excellent, she will be the standard of the globetrotter for a decade.

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Classic Boat
Hallberg Rassy 42 E

Hallberg Rassy 42 F

specs: 13.22 x 3.95 m; 1990-2001; # 181; German Frers To revamp the range, German Frers joined Hallberg Rassy in 1990. It’s a small internal revolution, and the results are showing. In his official HR debut, the Argentinean signs a masterpiece, giving birth not only to a highly appreciated bluewater, but also strong in extremely modern lines and excellent pitch. Basically, it will be the LA fit to start a collaboration to date unbroken. A cult, in a nutshell, the long cruising boat by definition: easy, safe, take anywhere, anytime.

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Hallberg Rassy 42 (F)

Hallberg Rassy 53

specs: 16.44 x 4.64 m; 1992-2006; #88; German Frers Introduced as the flagship of the range, the Hallberg Rassy 53 was the largest Hallberg Rassy ever built in its time, a further success of the HR-Frers pairing. With as many as 88 examples in 15 years (for a flagship…), she would represent a new level of excellence in every respect. Comfortable, seaworthy, and safe, she was the pinnacle of the pairing of the two parties, an impressive hull to say the least, perfect for anyone who was (and is, to this day) looking for a safe, elegant, and voluminous bluewater.

Learn more about the boat and what it is worth

Hallberg Rassy 53

(BONUS) Misil II (HR-24)

specs: 7.35 x 2.30 m; 1972-1977; #596; Olle Enderlein Born in the shipyard’s founding year, it becomes difficult not to name one of the brand’s most successful and ‘least Hallberg Rassy’ hulls, the Misil II, also known as the Hallberg Rassy 24. Fast, maneuverable and cabin cruiser, it was the HR that, by conception, was perhaps the most racer of all, designed for walking, walking and walking. In short, a small 7-meter designed to maximize fun, while also offering adequate volumes for small cruising. Underlining its qualities are the figures: with 596 examples produced, to this day, it is a sought-after, even rare, gem to find, on the used market.

Learn more about the boat and what it is worth

Misil II

Don’t miss previous articles:

USATO Classic Boat. Le cinque migliori barche del CANTIERE DEL PARDO (10- 19 m)


Are you looking for or want to sell a Classic Boat?

  • If you are looking for or want to sell a Classic Boat remember our Used Boat Market(HERE), the ideal place for anyone looking for a Classic Boat to buy and/or, even more so, the ideal platform for those who have a desire or need to sell their vintage gem. If you have a Classic Boat to sell, or if you were looking for one, remember the Marketplace. Using it is as simple as it gets.
  • Want to learn more about the world of Classic Boats (1967-1998), the iconic boats of the period, the legendary designers, the stories and races of the “golden age” of sailing? Check out our section dedicated to Classic Boats!



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