Vendèe Globe: Dalin toward legend, expected at dawn in Les Sables


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Charlie Dalin

This time there will be no Jury to take away his victory at Vendée Globe, as happened in 2020 following time bonuses to Yannick Bestaven for saving Escoffier. This time Charlie Dalin goes for what is his due, what he deservedly earned without appeal, despite a stout Yoann Richomme. Macif’s skipper is in the home stretch, the docks of Les Sables d’Olonne are already buzzing as King Charles is expected on the finish line of the Vendée Globe at dawn tomorrow. Richomme tried a last burst as he approached the coast of Portugal, Dalin dosed the pace, risked just enough by leaving a few dozen miles on the road in order to avoid technical problems, and thus went on to close the match. Macif is 130 miles from the finish line, as early as tonight the first spectator boats may be going to meet him since the last part of the sailing will be quite coastwise. Ashore they are waiting for him, an early ETA wants him already on the finish line before 6:30 a.m., but perhaps realistically he will arrive a little later. The ascent of the Les Sables d’Olonne channel could therefore take place on the next tide, after 1 p.m.

The Sailing Newspaper will celebrate the winner’s arrival with a double feature of The Vendèe Globe Trial. Tomorrow, between 11.30 and 12 noon, Mauro Giuffrè and Luca Sordelli will do a live flash with the very first images of Charlie Dalin’s arrival and the first hot comments. Then on Wednesday, at 6:30 p.m. we will go live with the grand finale: a live special where we will sum up these two months of racing, Dalin’s victory and the state of the art of ocean sailing. We will be visited by many guests, practically everyone who has been with us during these two months of Ocean-themed broadcasts. Don’t miss it!

Review the latest episode of The Vendée Globe Trial

Follow the Vendée Globe with us!

Follow the Vendée Globe with the Sailing Newspaper! In the section “The Vendèe Globe Newspaper” you will find all the latest news about the race, while on our Youtube channel, every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., “The Vendèe Globe Trial” (in collaboration with Raymarine, Antal and Gottifredi&Maffioli) goes live, where our experts, along with a parterre de roi of great sailing guests, comment on the great adventure of the solo round-the-world race.




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