Two million times thank you!What a record for Giornale della Vela


Give or treat yourself to a subscription to the print + digital Journal of Sailing and for only 69 euros a year you get the magazine at home plus read it on your PC, smartphone and tablet. With a sea of advantages.

Gironale della Vela
What crazy numbers, in terms of views and interactions, for the Sailing Newspaper this month!
In the newsroom we were happy and we partied just like the Luna Rossa guys with Patrizio Bertelli in this photo by Carlo Borlenghi from 2000, after winning the Louis Vuitton Cup!

We do this very rarely, but allow us this exception.
Today we are talking about us, about the Journal of Sailing, about its digital issues.
Without any secrets: it would not be worth it.

Giornale della Vela: Two million people reached in one month

We have to thank you, because the last month (mid-August to mid-September, to be clear) was record-breaking, in terms of views and interactions on our website, social channels and subscriptions to our editorial newsletter. It was 1,848,684 our “total audience,” and we would like to explain to you, in detail, how we achieved these important numbers, which are exceptional for an industry publication like ours. Nearly two million people reached by te Giornale della Vela’s digital ecosystem.

What traffic at!

Let’s start with our website data: 953,385 views (and more than half a million users) in the period from September 15 to August 15.

Web site data
Data from from Aug. 15 to Sept. 15 on Google Analytics

Is this due to the America’s Cup effect and the highly followed“Cup Newspaper“? No. Or rather, not only: a real boom has also hit the news about new and used boats, accessories and the many stories that, every day, we try to tell you.
From the sensational case of the Bayesian to the return of fines at sea in Giannutri, just to name a few examples. This led us-after consultation with our webmaster and our Internet service provider-to quadruple the processor power of our site!

The explosion of the YouTube channel

More than 2,500 new entries in one month, 537,251 views of our videos on the Giornale della Vela Youtube channel, which we recommend you subscribe to.

Views of the Sail Newspaper Youtube channel over the past month.
Youtube Source.

In this case, yes, much of the credit is due to the success of our“The Cup Trial” format with which our experts are analyzing and following the America’s Cup and Luna Rossa’s exploits for you.
The entire Italian sailing community logs on to our channel, every day at 6:30 p.m., to follow our Mauro Giuffrè and Luca Sordelli with their great guests.
But watch out, the surge has also come on the channel’s other videos (especially tests and previews of new boats).

Facebook and Instagram, +70%!

Our Facebook page, which has 58,770 followers, also experienced a boom with a total coverage of 249,862 (a 72 percent increase over the norm, with a dramatic increase in clicks on links posted on our page.

Giornale della Vela
Sailing Newspaper Facebook data.
Source: Facebook Insights

This is because, in the welter of the Internet, Giornale della Vela is increasingly recognized as a reliable and authoritative source.
And we thank you for the trust.
Mirroring this are the numbers on Instagram, where the coverage of 24,798 registers an increase over the average of 73 percent.
The choice to offer you more and more content and reels, from the weather forecast to the Cup Process, is paying off.
Followers are also increasing, numbering more than 24,000.

Giornale della Vela numbers
Instagram follows the same (growing) trend as Facebook

Increasing daily are the subscribers to the free editorial newsletter of the Giornale della Vela, with which twice a week (on Mondays and Thursdays) you receive on your email, the best of the news published on our site. The whole sail, minute by minute. At the time of writing, there are 83,946 enthusiasts subscribed to the newsletter, but, thanks to the success of our digital universe, the figure is growing day by day.
Sign up, it’s worth it!

Support us and subscribe!

Add up all these numbers and you get the nearly two million people reached by Giornale della Vela in just one month. Aware of this achievement, we will always strive harder to provide you with accurate, timely, in-depth information.
If you like our point of view, all you have to do is subscribe to GdV with the all-inclusive “Paper + Digital” formula which allows you to receive the Sailing Newspaper at home and browse it on your PC, smartphone and tablet. With a sea of advantages. Lots of people are doing it, adding to the thousands of magazine subscribers, the “hard core” who have been following us since 1975… Join the crew! Thank you from the entire editorial staff of the Sailing Journal.
From the heart.

Giornale della Vela at the Genoa Boat Show

Stop by and visit us at the Genoa Boat Show from September 19 to 24: it’s the best opportunity to subscribe or renew your subscription, have a chat with our experts and the GdV editorial staff: we will talk about sailing, the America’s Cup, boats, accessories, technique…In short…our passion.
The Sailing Newspaper’s booth is number SC79 in Quay C, on the south side of the dock, among the sailboats!



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