Do you want to become a boating professional?Here’s the course for you


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The course, organized by CNA FO.ER, is free of charge and aims to train 20 professional figures, either not employed or employed.
It will run from Nov. 28, 2024 to Nov. 31, 2025, with a duration of 800 hours (including 320 hours of internship) and is aimed at young people and adults with an upper secondary education diploma, resident or domiciled in Emilia-Romagna as of the date prior to enrollment in the activities.

Sustainable and innovative product design technician for the marine supply chain


Objective of the course organized by CNA FO.ER is to form a professional figure capable of carry out the detailed technical development of a nautical product, identifying its construction components and adopting the most suitable technological solutions to combine the performance aspects of the product with the sustainability of the production process; Making graphic representations and three-dimensional simulations, using prototyping applications with CAD systems, mastering three-dimensional design software such as Solid Edge and Rhinoceros; Manage product design with a view to sustainable production and circular design working in synergy with the production manager through project management knowledge applied to the nautical product.

Course content.

The course, which has a
duration of 800 hours, 320 of which are internships, is structured into 15 training modules:
1. Profile orientation, socialization and team work;
2. Safety, environment, sustainability;
3. The business world and active job search;
4. Elements of fluid dynamics;
5. Technical drawing of the nautical product: reading and interpretation;
6. Nautical design: philosophy and history of design;
7. Three-dimensional modeling: software for modeling complex surfaces;
8. Parametric modeling;
9. Material technologies, physical characteristics and performance, production costs, economic impact, modeling and printing;
10. Nautical concept development; 11. 3D printing; 12. Prototyping, production process tools and methodologies; 13. Sustainability and circularity in nautical production products and processes/ Life Cycle Assessment in nautical production processes; 14. Elements of project management for the management and supervision of activities related to the main business processes; 15. Regulations and code of the nautical industry.

Who can participate in the course

Participants must be resident/domiciled in Emilia-Romagna on date prior to enrollment, with a high school diploma.
Access is also allowed to those in possession of admission to the fifth year of high school pathways and those who are not in possession of a high school diploma, subject to accreditation of skills acquired in previous education training and labor pathways subsequent to the completion of compulsory education.
Admission is also allowed to those in possession of the vocational diploma obtained as a result of the IV year IeFP pathways. Essential knowledge for admission: Key citizenship skills; Computer science intermediate level; Fundamentals of mathematics and computational tools; Elements of technical drawing; English language Basic level.

Selection criteria

The selection will include a written test and an individual/motivational interview, conducted by the Evaluation/Selection Committee composed of a Selection Manager, an expert in selective processes and a content expert with the use of tools belonging to the CNA FORMAZIONE EMILIA ROMAGNA System .
The written test will last approximately one hour (Weight: 50%) and will be divided into two sections: one open-ended and one multiple-response on: intermediate level computer science, English, logical-mathematical elements, elements of technical drawing; a section with psychological tools.
The oral test (Weight: 50 percent), on the other hand, involves individual interviews lasting 20 minutes aimed at discussing and deepening the aspects that emerged from the written test, assessing job role awareness and coherence to the professional project expressed by measuring: interpersonal skills/propositional attitude; previous experience in the field of reference; organizational skills, problem solving, teamwork and working by objectives.
At the end of the course, participants will receive a Higher Technical Specialization Certificate (IFTS) in “Industrial Drawing and Design Techniques.” The course venue will be mainly CNA Formazione Forlì.
Some classes will also be held at the locations of the partners involved and a small percentage will be able to be held online.
Operation Ref. PA 2024-22081/RER Sustainable and innovative product design technician for the nautical supply chain Project 1 Ed. 1 Approved by DGR no.
1746 of 08/26/2024.
Financed with resources from the ESF+ 2021-2027 Program of the RER.


For info and registration

Francesca Severi Tel. 3471774625



*Redational in collaboration with CNA FO.ER



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