The transparent boat (with electric motor) that you can use as a tender


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Vergaplast-tender-220T Verga1958

But how nice it must be to sail with the ability to look at what is hidden among the seabed while staying comfortably “dry.” It can be done, with two small polycarbonate boats (that can also be used as tenders) made by an Italian company called Verga1958. And you can install the electric motor on it too!

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What do all-transparent panorama boats look like

Coral View 250
Coral View 250

Verga1958 is an Italian company(celebrating its 85th anniversary this year) that among the various boat models it has designed has come up with two completely transparent boats made of polycarbonate, which you can use as a tender for the cabin boat or independently for short trips. The smallest (2.20 meters) is the Tender 220 T. This boat has an ingenious “catamaran” hull that makes it much more stable and weighs only 29 kilograms. Regarding propulsion, a pair of oars is provided, but the Tender 220 T also supports outboard propulsion given by a motor up to 3.9 hp, although the manufacturer recommends the use of an electric outboard. Slightly larger than this (2.50 m) is the
Coral View 250
which has in contrast to its smaller brother a classic V-shaped hull, weighs 37 kilograms and also supports for propulsion an outboard motor up to 3.9 hp or (even better here) an electric motor. In fact, both models are sold on their own or as a“package” with a 24-pound electric motor for thrust, a solution for moving quietly and environmentally friendly, with the ability to reach even protected marine areas not navigable with endothermic engines.

It costs the same as a smartphone and you buy it online

The transparent tender is not only beautiful and unique, it is also easy to purchase. In fact you only need to visit Verga1958 ‘s booth in our Boat Show, read all the technical specifications (weight, length and all the details) and with one click you can buy it directly at the manufacturer’s booth. For the cost of a state-of-the-art smartphone (about 1000 euros without motor, about 1200 with electric motor) you take home a boat!



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