The sea is an important resource! Find out why May 25-27


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We are very close to the 2nd National Summit on the Sea Economy Blue Forum, entitled “Italy Nation of Sea,” which will be held in Gaeta May 25-27, 2023.

The event, organized by the Frosinone Latina Chamber of Commerce, together with its Special Agency Informare and OsserMare, in collaboration with Unioncamere, Assonautica Italiana – the National Association for the Development of the Sea Economy and Blue Forum, represents the annual meeting moment, unique in Italy, between all private and public stakeholders from all sectors working for and in the Sea Economy.

A regular event where associations, institutions and businesses, dialogue on clear issues and around concrete goals.


The three-day work and networking event will feature 200 speakers including national and European institutional representatives, numerous government and parliamentary figures, civil and military authorities, businesses and Associations, Universities and major research and innovation centers.

Among them were Ministers Musumeci, Santanchè, Urso, Lollobrigida, Salvini, Deputy Ministers Rixi and Valentini, Undersecretaries Rauti, Barbaro, Durigon, Deputy Speaker of the House Rampelli, Council Speaker Loiero and numerous parliamentary representatives.

Of absolute prestige was the presence of the Italian Armed Forces, represented in Gaeta by Navy Chief of Staff Adm. Sq. Enrico Credendino, the Chief of Staff of the Italian Air Force Gen. H.S.A. Luca Goretti, the Commander General of the Port Authority Corps – Coast Guard Adm. Insp. Chief (CP) Nicola Carlone and Guardia di Finanza Central Aeronavale Commander Gen. C.A. Ignazio Gibilaro, all together in one of the opening panels.


At the center of the discussion is the contribution to the implementation of the Sea Plan and the definition of a new national maritime strategy.

It will open on Thursday, May 25, with the opening morning dedicated to institutions.

This will be followed by two major workshops by ACES-USSI and ANCIM and a special episode of the program “Maredì.”

Friday, May 26, is the turn of the Blue Auditions with all key stakeholders from all sectors of the Sea Economy.

In the afternoon, two panels devoted to sailing and women sailors.

On Saturday 27, the long-awaited presentation of the 11th National Sea Economy Report 2023, accompanied by a focus on the underwater world, a final talk show summarizing the proceedings, the Assonautica System Conference and a workshop on Italy’s Most Beautiful Villages.

During the proceedings, the Blue Manifesto for a Sustainable, Inclusive and Innovative Sea Economy will also be shared, to which people can contribute their ideas.

The document is available at:

The entire event will be streamed live at:




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