Alberto Riva presents the Class 40 Acrobatica: goal Transat Jacques Vabre
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A new addition joins the ranks of Italian ocean sailors involved in Class 40s, with Alberto Riva officially presenting his Acrobatica in Genoa at the YCI headquarters. This is another Musa 40, following that of Ambrogio Beccaria and Andrea Fornaro, Guelfi-D’Angeli design and Sangiorgio Marine construction.
For Alberto Riva and his team there will be little time to celebrate the launch, because they immediately begin preparation for the first official event in which Acrobatica will take part, the Transat Jacques Vabre that starts at the end of October from Le Havre, a transatlantic double that will immediately be a good test for skipper and boat.
Alberto Riva and Acrobatica
The project behind “Acrobatica,” a state-of-the-art Class40, is 3 years in the making and will take Alberto Riva around the world, to compete in the most important international sailing competitions: a sporting program that sees the “baptism” in the ocean next October with the participation in the very tough transatlantic “Transat Jacques Vabre” (departure: October 29 from St Malo) to return to the ocean in the spring of 2024 inn the Transat CIC (from Brest to New York), a historic solo race once known as Ostar. Riva will then sail for the “Atlantic Cup” (from Charleston to Newport, USA) and finally back to Europe for the equally famous “Quebec-St Malo.” A total of 7500 miles and three Atlantic crossings in 9 months.
Acrobatica, the differences with other Muse 40
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