5 large Classic Boats from 13.26 to 14.30 meters


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Classic Boat
The 5 Great Classic Boats of this 17th episode

5 Classic Boats from 13.26 to 14.30 meters

There are boats and boats, it is inevitable, and not all are the same. Sure, quality of construction, shipyard, designer, and uniqueness of design are good yardsticks, but it is the combinations of these that make a boat truly great, a milestone in sailing history. In this our series on the
Memorable Classic Boats
, we examine just the latter, boats in which the spark of genius is evident, conjugated in every respect. From Carter’s great Orca 43 to Sparkman & Stephens’ and Peterson’s Solaris, we see it again in this 17th episode. So here are five Classic Boats of historic value from 13.26 to 14.30 meters.


Sailboat / Nautical Fiberglass | 13.26 x 3.86 m | 1972 | Dick Carter

Great and noble history for this design by Dick Carter, who was personally dedicated to its creation. A wooden prototype was made from which the mold of the fiberglass Orca 43 was derived at the Sailboat shipyard, which later became Grand Soleil’s Pardo Shipyard in 1974. One of the first four Orca 43s was purchased by Raul Gardini (that of the Moro di Venezia) who successfully competed in the Mediterranean Championship and the Middle Sea Race. Very distinctive: very slender bow and completely flush deck. Unusual.

Classic Boat
Sailboat | Nautical Fiberglass – ORCA 43 – 1972


Benello | 13.31 x 3.76 m | 1968 | Sparkman & Stephens

In the early days of mass-produced fiberglass boats, the Leghorn-based Benello shipyard turned to the archistars of the 1960s-Sparkman & Stephens-and produced a small series, a total of five first-class IORs. Thus was born, in 1968, the Freya 45, now a great classic.

Benello – FREYA 45 – 1968


Biasi | 13.68 x 4.15 m | 1981 | Studio Sciomachen

In the 1980s there is an Italian designer with a trait recognizable at first glance, Sciomachen. One only has to see its exaggerated stern lengths to realize this. They may not like them, but they are “iconic.” The Morgante 45 is a fine example of this style.

Classic Boat
Biasi – MORGANTE 45 – 1981

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Se.Ri.Gi / Solaris | 14.30 x 4.21 m | 1984 | Doug Peterson

Some 20 were built for this ante litteram “blue water,” designed by ‘wizard’ Peterson and masterfully constructed by Se.Ri.Gi, in Aquileia. For once, Peterson concedes nothing to the IOR racing rulebook and gives himself a free hand, designing an original boat for a public that wants to sail well and not race hard.

Classic Boat
Se.Ri.Gi | Solaris – SOLARIS ONE – 1984

Classic Boats SOLARIS 47

Se.Ri.Gi / Solaris | 14.30 x 4.00 m | 1979 | Sparkman & Stephens

Young German Frers is working in the studio of ‘elderly’ designers Sparkman & Stephens in New York when Se.Ri.Gi Shipyard, which makes Solaris, asks for a design for a 47-footer. The result, where Frers’ innovative hand can be seen, is an unusual boat, characterized by a bizarre deckhouse that becomes its hallmark. The interior is a masterpiece of cabinet making.

Se.Ri.Gi | Solaris - SOLARIS 47 - 1979
Se.Ri.Gi | Solaris – SOLARIS 47 – 1979

  • Do you have a boat and want to sell it? Are you looking for one? Remember our
    Used Boat Market!

Classic Boats – Comparison Data

Orca 43 Freya 45 Morgant 45 Solaris One Solaris 47
LOA 13.26 m 13.31 m 13.68 m 14.30 m 14.30 m
LWL 10.00 m 9.91 m 10.38 m
MAX BAGLIO. 3.86 m 3.76 m 4.15 m 4.21 m 4.00 m
FISHING. 2.10 m 2.20 m 2.18 m 2.29 m
DISLC. 12,000 kg 10,138 kg 9,080 kg 12,000 kg
S. SAILING (R+G) 127.93* sqm 83.61* sqm 110.00* sqm 99.96* sqm
YEAR 1972 1968 1981 1984 1979

Don’t miss the upcoming releases, every Tuesday and Friday. In the next article:

  • SWAN 47 | Nautor Swan
  • SWAN 48 | Nautor Swan
  • HALLBERG RASSY 46 | Hallberg Rassy
  • BALTIC 50 | Baltic Yacht / Vismara
  • GRAND SOLEIL 50 | Cantiere del Pardo

Discover Previous Episodes

Find out what are the previous 55 Classic Boat memorable by Journal of Sailing. Find all the episodes listed below.

Three “tidbits” about Classic Boats

Edited by Doi De Luise and Luca Oriani



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