Grand Soleil Vintage Cup: cult gathering in Portopiccolo on June 24 and 25
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Owners and fans of the Grand Soleil yachts of yesteryear, perk up your ears because this event is for you: the Grand Soleil Cup is staged June 24 and 25, as part of which the Vintage Cup will also be held in Portopiccolo, Sistiana .
The first Cup is a regatta/sailing event open to all Grand Soleil owners; the Vintage version is reserved for all models of the Italian shipyard whose design was conceived no later than 2000 and will gather dozens of cult boats in Portopiccolo. This year will be a special event because the Shipyard will take the opportunity to celebrate 50 years of history together with its owners.
Grand Soleil Vintage Cup – Which boats can participate
This is a regatta/sailing event dedicated to all Del Pardo designs conceived up to the 200th. Any examples? We can mention the Jezequel-signed Grand Soleils, such as the 343, 35 and the legendary 39, or the GS 34 signed by Finot. Among the more modern models some examples might be the GS 37 signed by the Slovenian studio J&J, or the GS 45 designed ds German Frers. In short, if you have one of these models or others from the 70-2000 period, you are invited to participate in the Vintage Cup.
The program of the two-day event
To enable all crews to fully enjoy the two-day event and have fun the organization of the Vintage Cup decided to offer owners and crews coastal routes. It will therefore be a race within the reach of everyone, and it will be possible to run it even if the wind is variable as a direction, as opposed to how it would be for a race between the buoys.
Not just partying with a two-day sailing event at sea, but also cocktails and convivial moments ashore where owners can comment on the day at sea and talk about the boats.
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