Used boats, here is the open-door fair to sell and buy


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Are you looking for a used boat? On the two weekends of March 16/17 and March 23/24, don’t miss the Aprilia (Udine) shipyards’ “Open Doors to Used Goods.” A double event dedicated entirely to bargain boats, with free admission, where used boat brokers will meet boaters who need to buy or trade-in their boat and to propose “last minute” their best bargains.

Many second-hand boats of all types and sizes will be on display at Aprilia Marittima in cooperation with Nautilia.

What is the Open Door to Used?

The range of boats on offer is from 6 to 20 meters and is an excellent opportunity for those who have procrastinated until now on making a purchase decision but want to get ready for the summer. A list of exhibitors to refer to can be found at and

“It is a no-cost formula for both visitors and exhibitors,” explain Eugenio Toso and Stefano Rettondini, “but it is above all an invitation, which we extend to all those who wish to buy a used boat “last minute,” to discover together the latest proposals from nautical brokers and dealers before the summer season arrives.”

Appointment then for all interested in Aprilia Marittima in the areas of the Aprilia Shipyards, not only to buy, but also to exchange the boat for a larger one or to evaluate estimates for refit…

For information:

OPEN DOORS TO USEDMARCH 16/17 and 23/24, 2019

Aprilia Marittima – Latisana (UD)

YARDS OF APRILIA – tel 0431/53146 –

Follow the Facebook page: Nautilia



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