Telematic Register of Boats, from April on trial, from November operational!
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“Central Telematic Registry of Recreational Boating? At the operational level, we don’t know anything yet: for paperwork, contact the harbormaster’s office where your boat is registered.” We have tried calling various nautical agencies in recent days, but the answer was always the same. So, we got worried.
Could it be that the fictitious Central Telematic Registry of Recreational Boating, formally in effect since March 14 after the Legislative Decree of regulations for implementation was entered in the Official Gazette, is a big “hoax,” we asked? Is it possible that UCINA, after years of battles outside and inside the halls of power, has been “betrayed” by the institutions, and with it all the people of boaters once again “snubbed” by the government?
Is it possible that the registration records of registered recreational vessels, will continue to be paper-based and jealously kept by the Harbour Offices in 104 separate registers that do not talk to each other, instead of being progressively digitized and thus made easily accessible and usable by all, just as is the case in the world of cars?
Fortunately, no. In the meeting at the Leasing and Rental Show, moderated by Roberto Neglia, UCINA’s Head of Institutional Relations, clarity was provided: from April 1, the electronic registry will (really) start, but for now it is only a trial. Full operation will be from November and should be quite similar to the automobile registry.
Mirroring the central registry’s telematic boaters’ information desks (STEDs). Real agencies located throughout the country and in telematic connection with the central database – at the service of users for all operations of registration and cancellation of recreational units in the relevant registers and the issuance of navigation documents: “The telematic desks will function in a similar way to those of the motorist and once fully operational will allow operations to be carried out practically in real time,” explained Adolfo D’Angelo, Secretary General Nautical Section Confarca.
As a reminder, the text entered in the Gazette provides for the digitization of the issuance of navigation documents, which for new units will be operational from January 2020, as well as the dematerialization of insurance contract markings for third-party liability for damages arising from the navigation of recreational units and their replacement with telematic communication of the relevant data to ATCN (Central Telematic Archive of Recreational Units of the Department for Transport, Navigation, General Affairs and Personnel of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport), in partial analogy with the provisions for the RCA insurance sector.
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