TOP SECRET The new Grand Soleil 44 Performance is coming.


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He will be
one of the stars of Boot, the Dusseldorf trade show (Jan. 18-26), although he will not be physically present. It is the new Grand Soleil 44 Performance, which, after the successes of the 58- and 48-footers, goes to complete downward the more “sporty” range of the Del Pardo shipyard. And which will effectively replace the “old” Grand Soleil 43.

The “big twin” of the GS44, the GS48

The design of this 13-meter sees the debut of Matteo Polli as naval architect, but the “family feeling” with its larger twins, especially the 48′, is clear. Contributing to its creation are the hull windows, the lines, the set-back maximum beam, the long dolphin rail with integrated anchor nose, the double wheelhouse, the deckhouse windows, and the arrangement of deck equipment.

Judging from the rendering it would seem that the aft “edge” would be much less pronounced. A boat that intends to combine comfort, ease of handling and performance. We would not be surprised to find it at the top of the regatta rankings in the future.

Speaking of racing: just as was the case with the 48′, it will be available in a Performance version, with outfitting geared toward more cruising use, and in an even more “racer” Race version, where the deck will be optimized for racing. Then again, Matteo Polli, the “ORC wizard” as we have called him in the past, is known precisely for these kinds of performance boats. What will not change between versions will be the interior, whose configuration includes three cabins and two bathrooms.

Rumor has it that the first two hulls in the water will be Race versions. After the presentation at the Dusseldorf Motor Show we will know more…




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