Tabarly or half-assed? Find out what a sailor you are with our quiz!


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We have selected 10 sailor questions/quizzes for you to answer to see if you are a true longshoreman. Answer on the fly, on impulse, and then look at the correct answers
-If you answered at least 8 quizzes the right way, you are a very good sailor.
-If you answered at least 5 quizzes the right way, you are a decent sailor.
-If you answered at least 3 quizzes the right way, you are a Sunday sailor.
Let’s get started!


1. To reduce pitching during rough sea sailing, it pays to:
A) reduce the surface area of the jib
B) lean about 10° from the course
C) move the weights placed at the ends of the boat as far as possible to the middle and bottom

2. Sea level rise is caused by:
A) glaciers
B ) ice shelf
C) iceberg

3. What is the difference of a sloop or cutter sail rig?
A) The sloop has only one mast and the cutter two masts
B) The area of the mainsail is greater than that of the jib in the sloop and vice versa for the cutter rig
C) The sloop is armed with a single headsail and the cutter with two headsails

4. The gait termed “slack” at how many degrees of the boat’s forward course relative to the wind direction is?
A) 120°
B) 150°
C) 90°

5. A famous writer financed a long cruise through the seas of the world by writing at least one article a day while sailing. Who is he?
A) Jack London
B) Andrea De Carlo
C) Andrea Camilleri

6. A state-of-the-art anchor holds how many times on the bottom compared to its weight?
A) 10/15 times
B) up to 150 times
C) 50 to 70 times

7. When should the rigging of a pleasure boat be checked?
A) every 3 years
B) every 10 years
C) every 35 to 40,000 miles of sailing

8. What does an automatic variable pitch propeller do?
A) automatically adjusts the engine speed according to the required thrust
B) automatically changes the pitch according to the required thrust
C) automatically adjusts the rotation of the blades

9. What is the EPIRB used for?
A) to report the location of a boat in an emergency by alerting rescue efforts
B) to signal its position to a ship
C) to make an emergency VHF call.

10. Why is it that when you sail upwind and the wind changes from 10 to 20 knots in intensity the boat heels much more?
A) the shapes of the boat do not hold further heeling
B) the pressure on the sails quadruples
C) you have to bring the bow toward the wind by at least 5 degrees




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