Rolex Fastnet Race: at the regatta of regattas also a lot of Italy
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When you say Fastnet in a sailor’s mind particular images and emotions are kindled, both in those who have already sailed around the remote rock south of Ireland and those who have only dreamed of it. The date is set for Aug. 8, and there will be as many as 453 boats, divided into more than ten classes, departing for the legendary Rolex Fastnet Race. The regatta of regattas, which takes place every two years and was skipped last year because of Covid, the one that in its history has made many sailors rejoice and mourn, comes in a new guise this year. The classic departure from Cowes has been confirmed, but the arrival will not be as usual in Plymouth but in Cherbourg. On the return leg from the Fastnet there will then be a left turn off Wolf Rock south of Cornwall. With this change the route miles become 695, instead of the classic 605. In fact, the Fastnet becomes one of the longest, and even toughest, races held in Europe and one of the most difficult in the world.
There will be a good Italian presence again this year, starting with two big names of our sailing: Giovanni Soldini on Maserati Multi 70, and Giancarlo Pedote on Imoca 60 Prysmian paired with Frenchman Martin Le Pape, with the tricolor troop completed by Andrea Fantini on Class 40 Guidi.
Also among the multihulls competing were three 105′ maxi trimarans, Yves Le Blevec’s French Ultim 32/23 Actual, Thomas Coville’s Sodebo Ultim 3 and Cyril Dardashti’s Maxi Edmond De Rothschild, which set the race’s multihull record in 2019 (1 day, 4 hours, 2 minutes and 26 seconds). Also in attendance will be Antoine Rabaste’s 80-foot maxi trimaran Ultim’emotion 2, previously encountered at the RORC Caribbean 600 in 2020. The only other Italian participant alongside Maserati Multi 70 will be Prysmian Group, Giancarlo Pedote’s IMOCA 60.
As always, overall victory in the Rolex Fastnet Race, in addition to the various class rankings, will be awarded by the IRC overall ranking.
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