REBAD, the Historic Recreational Boat Registry is already a success. Thank you for your enthusiasm!
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We provoked you with our proposal to create a Registry of Historic Recreational Boats along the lines of what is already happening in the automobile world. The news published on our website, where we also provide you with a Founding Charter for a future association, had thousands of views and to the email (to which we invite you to write your questions, clarifications, contributions.) we have received dozens of inquiries and compliments on the initiative.
As a first thing, thank you for your enthusiasm, because it means that we have started on the right path. Even we had no idea what was going to happen when we decided to set this up. We just felt the urgency to do it.
What we can do today is to invite you to the VELAFestival in Santa Margherita, which will take place May 5-8, to start discussing together, in the midst of your boats and our world, what the next steps should be.
So we urge you right now, if you own a fiberglass boat built before 1996 to join our parallel and preparatory initiative to REBAD.
It is #PLASTICFANTASTIC, where, on the occasion of the 50th birthday of fiberglass boats, we want to provide a tribute and enhancement of these boats.
That’s what it’s all about:
all boat owners who own a boat with the #plasticfantastic features (i.e., boats built between the 1960s and 1995 that have not undergone substantial changes from the original design) can join our tribute by participating in the VELAFestival in Santa Margherita and immediately see their hull posted on our website in the #plasticfantastic section. To register and participate, simply fill out the form found at this link. Within a few days, if your boat’s details match the #plasticfantastic features, you will see it posted on the site.
It must be self-certified in the form and through the indispensable aid of photos that no substantial changes and alterations have been made to the boat from the original model such that it no longer conforms to the original settings. Or, if substantial changes have been made-for example, to the sail plan-they should be justified if they have contributed to improved performance, safety, or usability of the boat.
In addition, the CULT boats we display and tell about at VELAFestival each year will have the honor of a special section dedicated to #plasticfantastic boats of all sizes and types this year. Our editorial staff will choose from all the #plasticfantsatic boats you send us those that best represent this period of boating as CULT icons for which we will reserve a place of honor at the dock in Santa Margherita. A prestigious position that will allow these boats to be admired by the VELAFestival audience. If your boat fits these simple requirements, you could be one of the lucky ones to be invited as a CULT #plasticfantastic boat at the VELAFestival.
But know as of now that all #plasticfantastic boats that send us the form below, none excluded, are invited to participate in the VELAFestival and VELACup on Saturday, May 7, 2016.
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