QUIZ: test yourself, are you a sea dog or an ignoramus?
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Dear sailors, the time has come to put yourselves to the test. Could you correctly answer all 10 questions below? Find out if you are a perfect sailor or a hopeless dweeb! Good luck! At the bottom, as you scroll down the screen, you will find the answers and profiles corresponding to the number of correct answers. We advise you not to cheat by going snooping on the web: you will only be cheating yourself (here is the link to the first quiz and the second quiz we had submitted to you)
1. The appearance of Sirocco wind in the evening hours indicates:
A) arrival of a warm front
B) stationary time
C) evolution toward good weather
2. How much chain to give (calumo) for safe anchorage?
A) 5 times the width of the boat
B) 3 times the length of the boat
C) 5 times the depth of the seabed
3. One degree of latitude corresponds to:
A) 60 nautical miles
B) 1852 meters
C) 18,518 meters or 10 miles
4. The adjustment is correct when the wind markers on the sail are:
A) are parallel to the base
B) are parallel to the luff
C) are parallel to the leech
5. Sails should always be hoisted:
A) with the bow to the wind
B) with the wind in the crosswind
C) with the wind in the sails, especially
whether it is strong
6. If sailing upwind the wind changes from 10 to 20 knots, the pressure on the sails:
A) triples
B) doubles
C) quadruples
7. Sailing in heavy stern seas, it is better that waves is hit the hull:
A) on the side
B) to the little garden
C) on the transom
8. The boat tends to heave, could be because:
A) the mainsail is too thin
B) the genoa has the leech too closed
C) the mainsail has little warp
9. The furling genoa has the bugna placed higher because:
A) to optimize the flow at load-bearing gaits
B) for homogeneous tissue reduction
C) to decrease the heeling in strong wind
10. The bow triangle is:
A) the deck area forward of the mast.
B) the part of the sail plan that has the forestay, the mast and the distance between the mast and the tack point as sides
C) where the mainsail is hoisted
1. A
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. B
10. B
You are a perfect layman of the seas. You think the mainsail is a fish, to you the vang is a German car model. You can improve with some good reading and a sailing course!
4-6 RIGHT ANSWERS: “BUDDING SAILOR” You still have a lot to learn, but you are on the right track. You are not yet able to venture into challenging navigations, but go a few more miles and study more. Soon you can become an accomplished sailor.
7-9 RIGHT ANSWERS: “COMPLETE SAILOR“ On paper you are prepared: if theory is matched by practice (and if you have not used wikipedia or other web sources to answer) you are a complete sailor.
10 RIGHT ANSWERS: “TABARLY DE NOANTRI” You are an experienced sailor, able to cope with all problems while sailing. Your friends regard you with great respect and some have ventured to nickname you the “Tabarly de Noantri.” But don’t sit on your laurels. At sea, as in life, you never stop learning.
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