OLIMPIC SAILS. Winter offerings and high technology for all types of sailing


Give or treat yourself to a subscription to the print + digital Journal of Sailing and for only 69 euros a year you get the magazine at home plus read it on your PC, smartphone and tablet. With a sea of advantages.

olimpicWinter specials for those who decide to change their sails to Olimpic. Active service also for condition checks and washing with free pickup and inspection.

Meanwhile, the Trieste-based sailing company continues to achieve success both in the field where it has always been strong, that of one-design classes (victory in the 420 world championship), but also in offshore races such as the one at the last Copa Del Rey in Palma with its exclusive Macros sail technology. Technology serving all types of sailing, cruising, racing, for classic boats.

Contact: www.olisails.it, info@olisails.it, tel. 040 232363.



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