Naval tank battle between universities: Palermo and RomaTre win
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This is a revised formula of the now well-known 1001 Vela Cup, which in recent years has engaged college students from different universities with their projects. Proposed by Prof. Carlo Bertorello and embraced by Ass. 1001VELAcup, The 1st MIDWINTER INDOOR RACE was held at the Laboratory of Hydrodynamic Experiences of the Dept. Of Industrial Engineering at the Federico II University of Naples.
The final ranking saw boats from the University of Palermo and the University of RomaTre in 1st place, tied., in 2nd place was the first boat from the University of Padua, in 3rd place was the boat from the Polytechnic University of Milan, in 4th place was a tie between the second boat from Padua and the first boat from the Polytechnic University of Turin, in 5th place was the boat from the University of Trieste, followed by the second boat from the Polytechnic University of Turin.
For the first time , therefore, it was possible to compare on a strictly scientific-experimental level the designs of these boats born from a regulation designed to allow wide design margins in view of the annual regatta ” Trofeo 1001VELAcup “
It is, this, a very important moment for the students who designed these 4.60 m sailboats, because it is precisely through this type of testing that they will be able to get feedback on the real hydrodynamic behavior of their designs, know values such as total resistance, with and without appendages, have data on wave formation at various speeds and other indispensable information that will guide university teams toward improving their designs.
This, which promises to be the first in a long series of tank trials (keep in mind that to date more than thirty boats have been built for 1001VELAcup), will make it possible to create a very rich database for future nautical designers who want to try their hand at this scale.
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