Mooring traps always clean, here’s how to do it


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mooring traps
Mooring traps kept clean compared with a new one left on the bottom in the water for 2 months. Uncleaned traps are dangerous to handle in mooring maneuvers, plus they soil our boat’s deck and that of our dock neighbor.

Mooring traps always clean? With minimal effort at the beginning of the season and the expedient described to not let them settle to the bottom, you can keep the traps clean all season long. This is not a dockside finesse for the aesthetically inclined. Clean traps also mean safety for those who maneuver them during mooring. And for those who do not have time or a way to keep their traps clean-we have already introduced you to the Ghook accessory that will help you handle them.

Mooring traps always clean, why and how to do it

Mooring lugs are the anchor lines for our boat at the dock. Keeping the part of the top that we will need to handle clean at all times has the following advantages:

  • Safer homerage traps. A clean mooring stringer handles safely even without gloves. Aquatic organisms on a dirty tow are dangerous because they cut hands and are sources of potential infection
  • More visible mooring traps. A white mooring tow, you can see it better at the bottom than one full of mud. If you get a trap stuck, it is easier to unlock it.
  • Mooring traps that don’t foul. With each mooring maneuver, you will not soil your deck with mud and debris falling from the traps .Even your dock neighbor will appreciate it and ask how you keep your mooring traps so tidy.
  • A favor to the moorer who helps you. A kindness in favor of those who will assist you from shore at the berth, who will not fill their shirts and pants with mud.
Detail of comparison of mooring lugs kept clean with and those left on the bottom. Trolleys left in contact with the bottom get muddy. Aquatic organisms proliferate among the strands of the tops. In addition to being dangerous to handle, uncleaned mooring lugs litter the deck with each mooring maneuver.

Clean omerggio trappe, how to do it in three moves

Mooring lugs can be kept clean with a few tricks .

  1. Wash the mooring lugs. The first step is to lay the trappe in bachina, and use a pressure water jet or pressure washer, to remove all the dirt from the top.
  2. Dry the trappe. If the mooring lines have been in the water for a few months, many aquatic organisms such as algae, mussels and dog teeth will have found a home there. By keeping the trappa out of the water for a day or two, all the organisms will dry out, and it will then be easy to remove them with the help of a knife.
  3. Adduct the traps on the bollard. The trick to keeping the traps clean is to adduct the dormant part (the ones that go from the bollard to the dock) on the bollards, as shown in the photo, or lay them at the stanchion when the boat is moored.


mooring traps wrapped bollard
Mooring traps, by wrapping the sleeper to the bollards, the formation of aquatic organisms is arrested and the deposition of mud, present on the seabed, between the strands of the lines is significantly reduced




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