How does ITA 4000, the time trial of records, work? We explain it to you


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C‘s so much desire for sailing, there’s so much desire to get back on the water and sail for a long time, even in regattas. The offshore season was orphaned by the Italian Offshore Championship, which involved thousands of fans from north to south in every corner of our peninsula during this period.

ORC, UVAI and Federvela agreed to our idea, so a project was born to allow enthusiasts to return to the taste of challenge, in total freedom and safety.

ITA 4000, four thousand as the miles of the Italian coastline if traveled in both directions, from west to east or vice versa. 9 possible routes, three of alternative, viable from July 6 to Oct. 18. On their own, without waiting for anyone. Choose which course you want to race your boat on, around Italy from San Remo to Trieste. Choose the crew and leave. Then all you have to do is make your boat perform at its best, chasing your record. Upon arrival (but also before departure) you are welcomed in the most prestigious Italian circles. AT THIS LINK you can consult all the documents related to the regatta, the announcement, the rules and everything you need to know also about costs conventions and reception in the various clubs.

ITA 4000 routes


We talked about this with Alberto Pindozzi, who works for the ORC and will be in charge of interfacing with crews planning to participate in the regatta. “Iwork for the ORC technical staff and for ITA 4000 I interface with the racers .They write to me what route they want to take, in what direction and when they want to start. On both the regatta notice and the instructions, they find my email address and phone number; it is essential, in order to give validity to the record attempt, that they write to me notifying the exact start time, then the finish time. We will monitor the boat’s course via AIS on Marinetraffic verifying that everything is smooth and that there are no abnormal speeds with respect to wind conditions, we will also have the support of Meteomed for weather forecasting.” The rankings will then be updated at THIS LINK, but what ORC tonnage certificate do you need to participate, and again, do you need IVF cards? Alberto Pindozzi answers us, “All ORC, club and International certificates are fine, the number will be used single coastal/long distance, also in X2 version if there will be crews in doubles. As for cards yes they are required and advisable, although given the format we have provided on board the possibility of having “guests” who may not have them. Think for example of the situation of a family crew where maybe the skipper is carded but for example the wife or children are not and are considered as guests, since it will not be mandatory to hand over a crew list.”

Currently there has already been a first boat that left for the attempt on the Trieste-Ravenna route but abandoned after 12 hours due to the lack of wind and the later arrival of a depression front.


When racing

Monday, July 6 through Sunday, Oct. 18

How it works

You choose the course you want to sail, register at, declare when you’re leaving and off you go…have your regatta. You must have an AIS so the ORC will follow your navigation. On departure and arrival you can enter and use the services of the most prestigious Italian Sailing Clubs, which will also help you find moorings. Hand by hand the ranking of each stage and the superclassification of those who have completed at least four stages (among which only one can be “alternative”) will be formed.

All routes passable in both directions

San Remo – Marciana Marina: about 120 nm

Genoa – Punta Ala about 120 nm (alternate route)

Punta Ala – Porto Cervo: about 110 nm

Porto Cervo – Riva di Traiano: about 115 nm

Riva di Traiano – Naples: about 140 nm

Capri – Stromboli: about 130 nm

Lipari – Crotone: about 170 nm

Crotone – Brindisi: about 130 nm

Bari – Pescara: about 150 nm

Ancona – Venice: about 120 nm

Alternative routes:

Ancona – Trieste: about 125 nm
Ravenna – Trieste: 90 nm

Sailing clubs

These are the circles that will provide access to the venue and its facilities for all participating crews, as well as facilitate mooring before and after the timekeeping

– San Remo Yacht Club

– Italian Yacht Club

– Marciana Marina Sailing Club

– Punta Ala Yacht Club

– Yacht Club Costa Smeralda

– Circolo Nautico Riva di Traiano

– Circolo del Remo e della Vela Italia

– Yacht Club Capri

– Yacht Club Capo d’Orlando

– Croton Sailing Club

– Sailing Club Brindisi

– Bari Sailing Club

– La Scuffia Sailing Club

– Nautical Clubs of Marina Dorica

– Circolo Velico Ravennate

– Venice Sailing Company

– Yacht Club Adriaco

How much does it cost

100 € up to LOA=12 m

150 € up to LOA=18 m

€200 with LOA>18 m.

The registration fee includes all the routes you would like to travel on the circuit.

The entire fund raised will be donated to one or more non-profit organizations active in social recovery through sailing.




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