Here comes the fourth WallyCento: a 30-meter “skateboard”!


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After he took to the water last October. Galateia, the third WallyCento, born from the pencil of Reichel Pugh Yacht Design, the announcement has come of a fourth specimen that will fill out the class (governed by a box rule) of the most beautiful Wallys of all, a class “orphaned” by the former 100-foot Open Season that was lengthened by seven feet.

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Battling it out with Galateia and Magic Carpet 3 will be a Mark Mills signed fireball: “We suggested to the owner Mills as a designer,” said Luca Bassani, the owner of Wally Yachts, “after seeing the performance and design of his Maxi 72 Alegre-there were so many commonalities with our ideas. The full flush deck, for example, was a feature we had already adopted in 2006 with Esense.” In fact, the new WallyCento will have a deck that practically looks like a “skateboard,” in perfect Alegre style.

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Mills, for his part, stated that “major strides have been made in the design of this new WallyCento: optimization of the layout with respect to the structural part, trying to reduce the weight of the structures thus having the possibility to work on the increased rigidity of the hull. And the centralization of all plant weights.“. The architect then worked on reducing the wetted surface area of the hull in light airs while increasing shape stability as the wind strengthened. The boat, under construction at the Bergamo-based Persico Marine shipyards, now the world’s top hi-tech boat manufacturer, will be ready in June 2017. What do you think?



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