Goodbye Flavia and thank you for everything!


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We are lightly sorry, but the news was perhaps in the air for some time. With a facebook post on the occasion of her birthday, windsurfer Flavia Tartaglini announced her farewell to the Tokyo Olympic campaign in RS:X and, at least for the time being, to her athletic career.

“What can I say you fill my heart and I am so happy! Thank you for all your messages ofgood wishes!!!
This year was a double celebration for me…not only years but I toasted a new chapter in my life as a normal person/woman and no longer as an athlete !!! Some regrets there…. plus a few bad dreams now and then but unfortunately I no longer had the right drive and determination to achieve what I wanted to achieve so I preferred to stop my campaign for Tokyo. Thanks to all the fans to those who always supported me and those who made me fly on the water ….e always forza Italia.”

The Roman athlete class of 1985, one of the undisputed talents of Italian sailing for over a decade, leaves after coming close to medaling in Rio 2016, having won several national titles, having long been at the top of the RS:X world rankings and having won several World Cup stages, as well as a bronze at the European Championships in Marseille in 2017. It was precisely the 2017 European Championships that had made it clear that Flavia could be absolutely competitive in this quadrennium as well, not to mention the bronze medal at the 2019 World Cup Finals, but personal life choices are not up for debate.

The four-year Olympic period leading up to Rio was undoubtedly the high point of her career, with an Olympic campaign that saw her consistently among the best in the world. Unfortunate Olympics in Rio, where Flavia arrived at the medal race with the virtual gold medal around her neck but in the Russian roulette of the final race, with gusts and pressure coming from all sides, she finished off the podium. In spite of everything, we cannot forget on arrival her smile, the one that has always distinguished her in these years of Olympic sailing. Good luck with everything Tartaglini and thank you for what you have given to blue sailing. And always come on Flavia!

Mauro Giuffrè


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