Don’t let accessories, sails, clothing you no longer use rot. Sell them or trade them!


Give or treat yourself to a subscription to the print + digital Journal of Sailing and for only 69 euros a year you get the magazine at home plus read it on your PC, smartphone and tablet. With a sea of advantages.

topboatmarketAccessories, boat equipment, sail games, clothing, outboards you no longer use. Why leave them to rot in the cellar? They take up space and don’t make you a dime. Yet there is surely someone who is looking for something of yours and does not know where to find it. It is better to put them up for sale or exchange them for something you can use, don’t you think?

Screenshot 2016-10-20 at 12:16:46 p.m.THE BOATING MARKETPLACE IS AT YOUR SERVICE!
Therefore, we have implemented Top Boat Market, the Sail Newspaper’s website dedicated to used and trade ads, with the new section “Boating Market” where you can enter for FREE or search what you need for a boat: accessories, equipment, sails, berths (sic!) and more. There is no commission, it is free on the Internet, and you can choose to publish it in the Sailing Journal as well. The goal is to make it the largest virtual place to sell, buy, trade everything that revolves in this universe besides boats, guaranteed by the Journal of Sailing. It costs nothing to register, it’s super easy and you can immediately start placing your ads.



Screenshot 2016-10-20 at 12:44:29 p.m.TO MAXIMIZE VISIBILITY
Publication will take place, if you wish, on three different platforms to maximize visibility. In addition to publication in, you can also choose to have your ad appear in the Sail Newspaper in print and digital versions, on the Internet it will be posted on in the “classifieds” section and on Top Boat Market’s Facebook and Twitter.



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