COVID-19, the Monaco Yacht Show is skipped!
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It has been in theair for some time now, the 2020 Monaco Yacht Show is off. The international event dedicated to the world of superyachts, traditionally scheduled in September in Monte Carlo (and which would have reached the milestone of its 30th edition this year), has been rescheduled for September 22-25, 2021. Too much uncertainty resulting from the shakeup the market received from COVID-19.
So many of the megayachts that were supposed to be on display are currently stationed in the United States and the Caribbean, travel is now more difficult and especially Informa Markets, the company that organizes both the Munich show and the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, saw fit, for logistical reasons, to invest in the latter, which will take place in late October 2020.
So Charlie McCurdy, CEO of Informa Markets: “Like many other industries, the international super yacht community has experienced a significant shakeout in 2020. We remain flexible in supporting our partners and customers, adapting our event calendar and products, and providing digital alternatives where it is useful to best meet the needs of the international communities during this difficult time.”
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