Boating vacations: between lagoons and inlets in the Upper Adriatic Sea


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Burano is one of the islands of Venice and among the top 10 most colorful cities in the world.

A coastline full of lagoons and inlets along which sailing is fun but complicated. Punta della Maestra is the E end of the mouth of the Po, the branch of which takes the name Po della Pila. It appears low on the water and without relief.

A few miles to the N begins the Lagoon of Venice.

All accesses to the are named ports on the maps, but beware: beyond each access is not a dock, but a series of channels leading to different marinas. Several channels marked by briccole open in the Lagoon. The outer side of the Lido is an equipped beach; on the inside, the Rocchetta canal runs along it.

Venice Lido
The Venice Lido, known worldwide for its Film Festival.

After the Lagoon and up to Punta Tagliamento, the coast is flat, low and sandy, and the Piave and the Tagliamento themselves flow into it. The bell tower in the town of Caorle, with its characteristic pointed shape, is an excellent conspicuous point detectable from offshore. The sandy shoreline S of the mouth of Port Falconera is protected by several groynes placed transversely to the coast.

Punta Tagliamento is sandy and low, covered with vegetation particularly near the river mouth. Between Lignano and Grado lie the Marano Lagoon and the Grado Lagoon, which are accessed through the three inlets of Porto Lignano, Porto Buso, and Grado itself. Porto Lignano is the first access to the Marano Lagoon, coming from S.

The Veneto seaside village of Caorle is a lively year-round tourist resort.

The mouth of Porto Buso represents the second access to the lagoon and is located at the mouths of the Corno and Aussa rivers: watch out for significant merchant transit.

Punta Sdobba is shallow and sandy and protrudes below the water surface an extension of shallow water that is well marked by a luminous meda consisting of a small conical concrete tower painted red.

To the N of the point opens the Bay of Panzano in which there is access to Monfalcone. Throughout the bay of the Gulf of Trieste, the bora can make navigation difficult.

The most prominent conspicuous point on this stretch of coastline is Miramare Castle, which stands out against the background vegetation and inland karst hills just NO of Trieste.

The Castle of Miramare in Trieste

That of Valle San Bartolomeo is the last Italian inlet, enclosed between Punta Sottile and Punta Grossa. The latter is a rocky promontory and surrounded by shallow waters. These are well marked by a light meda consisting of a square-based stone tower.

The historic Barcolana international regatta, held annually in the Gulf of Trieste.

Don’t miss the other installments of Boating Vacations in the Upper Adriatic.

  • Magic of the lagoons
  • Info–to navigate lagoons and inlets
  • The long series of ports from the Po Delta to Slovenia (in programming)
  • The bays, a mix of land and sea (in programming)
  • To visit: the Serenissima, but not only (in planning)


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