All the winners of the Italian ORC: what a feat by the Dufour 34 Northern Light


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The Dufour 34 Northern Light

After Scugnizza’s title with a day to spare in Gaeta, for the Italian ORC, the final day of racing was staged, or rather should have been staged since the wind was latent and no racing could take place. The rankings were thus frozen and set the verdicts in the water.

In Group B, second place behind Scugnizza went to another Italia Yachts, Gianluigi Dubini’s 998 Sarchiapone. The real surprise, however, of this Italian ORC Championship is the third place of Fabio Bignolini’s Dufour 34 Northern Light, a dated boat that not only took third place overall in Group B but also won Class 4. “It was a great week for us, being up there at the front with a Dufour34, a project that is now 20 years old, is not easy at all: in front we have only two crews with a long list of professionals on board and we managed to put behind in two races even the 11.98 Scugnizza, which sails alone in front of the fleet. This result is the result of eight years of growth of our young crew and an optimization process carried out together with Matteo Polli where we went to overhaul sail plan and appendages. We thank our sponsor Samer & Co Shipping that even in this complicated year allowed us to be here,” Fabio Bignolini told us.


In Group A, on the other hand, after the initial dominance of Swan 42 on the opening day, the forces at play changed during the week. The title went to Andrea Rossi’s Swan 42 Mela, followed by Ott Kikkas’ Italy 11.98 Sugar 3, third place for Raffaele Giannetti’s Vismara 46 Duende. As Sugar 3 is an Estonian boat, the overall podium in Group A is completed by Massimo De Campo’s Swan 42 Selene.

Class 4-5 Cruise-Regatta: Northern Lights, Fabio Bignolini’s Dufour 34 (SV Barcola Grignano).
In second place Unpopergioco, Italy 9.98 by Fabio Iadecola (CN Caposele), in third place L’Automobile Globulo Rosso, Este 31 by Alessandro Burzi (YC Gaeta).

Class 3 Cruise-Regatta: Zigozago, Grand Soleil 37 B by Marco Emili (CN Riva di Traiano).
In second place was South Kensington, First 35 by Massimo Licata D’Andrea (VC Palermo), and in third was Stupefacente, First 36.7 by Antonello Stanzione (LNI Salerno).

Class 3 Regatta: Scugnizza, Italy 11.98 by Vincenzo De Blasio (CC Naples).
In second place was Sarchiapone fuoriserie, Italy 9.98 by Gianluigi Dubbini (YC Sanremo), and in third was Palinuro, J99 by Gianluca Lamaro (CRV Italy).

Class 2 Cruise-Regatta: Canopo, Grand Soleil 39 by Adriano Majolino (CN Riva di Traiano)
In second place was Nambawan, Comet 41S by Alessandro Mario Imperato (CV Fiumicino), and in third was Nientemale, First 40 CR by Giuseppe Osci and Riccardo Calcagni (LNI Pozzuoli).

Class 0-1 Cruise: Blue Sky, Grand Soleil 48B by Claudio Terrieri (CV Ravennate)
In second place was Ulika, Swan 45 by Stefano Masi (CN Tecnomar), and in third was Le Coq Hardi, X41 by Maurizio Pavesi (CRV Italia).

Class 0-1-2 Regatta: Mela, Swan 42 owned by Andrea Rossi (CN Marina di Carrara)
In second place was Sugar 3, Italy 11.98 by Ott Kikkas (YC Tallinn), and in third was Aeronautica Militare Duende, Vismara 46 by Raffaele Giannetti (CN Riva di Traiano).


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