Golden girls! Di Salle – Dubbini rainbowed in the youth 470!
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Great result by Benedetta Di Salle (YC Italiano) and Alessandra Dubbini (CV Toscolano Maderno)! The two girls won in Thessaloniki, Greece, the Women’s 470 Youth World Championship title: the two young blues, in their second year in the Olympic doubles, dominated the rainbow event, routing the competition and achieving mathematical victory one day early. They could truly be the new Olympic hope in a class that, with Giulia Conti’s change of boat (now on the 49er FX), was struggling to find athletes of reference. Then again, for both of them, sailing is a family affair-Benedetta is a daughter of the family. His father Roberto, a standard bearer for US Quarto of Genoa, won the world championships in the 420 class in 1979 in Setubal, Portugal, paired with Roberto Vassallo. Benedetta had already made her mark in 2012 by winning, on Ilaria Paternoster’s bow, the ISAF 420 world championship. Alessandra also comes from a family of very strong sailors, especially on the 470.
Truly exhilarating was the ride of the two women sailors, who were able to close the ten-race series with the partials 23-7-2-3-2-2-1-2-6-4 and pull away from the second-ranked, the Greeks Bozi-Klonaridou, by as much as 27 points, an unbridgeable lead when there is only one race left – today’s scheduled Medal Race – to the conclusion of the Worlds. Regatta in which Roberta Caputo and Açice Sinno will also participate, fifth, while Paternoster-Ammirati finish 33me, Zorzi-Caruso 34me and Bettoni-Gianni 41me.
Good news from the men as well, thanks to the fourth place (four points behind third) of Giacomo Ferrari and Giulio Calabro, who were eighth yesterday in the only regatta sailed by both men and women, a result that allows the two Italians to take to the water again today for the Medal (leading always the French Pirouelle-Sipan). The other Italians: Stocchero-Virgenti are 21st, Capurro-Puppo 25th, Pincherle-Basharzad 36th and Perillo-Massa 38th. As a reminder, our crews for these World Championships can count on the on-site presence of Federal Technician Nicola Pitanti, who coordinated the activity both on land and in the water.
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