Breaking News: Italy’s GPI Mini goes to the French by a whisker


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Screenshot 2015-04-16 at 12:39:20 p.m.The Italian Mini 6.50 Grand Prix of Italy – Coppa Alberti is coming to an end in these hours. A very technical 509-mile course that took the 31 participants (a record) through a variety of conditions. After departing from Genoa, the fleet headed for Gallinara Island, then set course for the Bocche di Bonifacio in Corsica and then Giannutri and finally Genoa.

From the Mini class website. It was Frenchmen Pierre Marie Bazin and Arthur Leopold Leger on the Proto 709 “Voile des Anges” who crossed the finish line in Genoa first at 09:40 a.m. on Thursday, April 16. They were one ahead of Alberto Bona and “Pietrino” D’Alì on the Proto 756 “Onlinesim” who throughout the regatta with great authority had put everyone behind. Third place for the pair Michele Zambelli and Renaud Mary on the proto 788 “Illumia” with a race conducted in close pursuit of Onlinesim for more than half the course. The Proto podium of this edition is thus completed.

Fourth place overall and first among the Series for “El Señor” Nacho Postigo paired with Pablo Santurde, the Spaniards who, with their Argo 860 “Vamos Vamos,” fought to the last with the best Protos reaching the finish line with just over 30 minutes from the first place finisher. Second place for Andrea Iacopini and Luca Riccobon on Tortuga, ahead of Ingo Ravazzolo and Ernesto Moresino on BPI.



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