Best of 2013 – Robert Redford brave sailor.VIDEO


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Robert-Redford-2A 12-meter boat with a lonely old sailor tackling the ocean is struck by an object. The boat makes water and an incredible struggle for survival begins. It stars septuagenarian Robert Redford (in the box during the press conference), who says only two words throughout “All is Lost,” but the film according to critics is the most moving of those presented at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival last May. It promises to be the new masterpiece of sea and sailing films, due for release in Italian theaters on Feb. 6. The original title is “AllisLost” and it stars only one man, the charming American actor Robert Redford. In the entire film he utters only two phrases, “Oh my god” and “Fuck.” The story is one of those classic ones that we have read avidly in the literature of sailing. Redford is a lone sailor crossing the ocean aboard his faithful old 12-footer; while below deck he is awakened by the sound of water rushing through the cabin. He turns around and sees that there is a leak caused by a container that fell off a ship. From here begins the sailor’s struggle to save himself and his boat. We reveal no more. Redford, an avid amateur sailor, did not want stunt doubles to shoot the tougher scenes and had to undergo a tough physical workout to complete the film, despite his age. The narrative holds tension for nearly two hours, and the sleight of hand of a silent film with only one protagonist (actually two: him and his boat) succeeds: the exercise is convincing because the style is concrete, stripped of any mystical halo. The script is developed as a simple sequence of environmental events, to which the unnamed protagonist reacts with pragmatism, from time to time finding solutions to the increasingly dramatic problems he faces. And aren’t these the values and adventures that those who go to sea know well?




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