America’s Cup, Kiwis announce they will be there but…
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We did not doubt it. Kiwis are also in the game. The New Zealand team, recently “burned” by Oracle’s incredible comeback at the 34th America’s Cup, will try again in 2017. Indeed, ETNZ chairman Keith Turner announced that the union has reached the preliminary budget sufficient to launch its challenge (the deadline for entries is August 8): this is thanks to private sponsors, thus avoiding-as was also ventilated some time ago-a request for funds from the local government. “Now,” he said, “with the cooperation of our longtime supporters Sir Stephen Tindall, Matteo de Nora and other private donors and sponsors, we are pleased to announce that we are funded for this year.
Foxman Grant Dalton said that “the team has been working to make this moment come since the day of the last race in San Francisco. Financial support will allow us to continue the design and development phase, and in the meantime to stay the course, until major funds begin to arrive“. He continued: “Our design and engineering team, for now, has been working on the software tools they will need for the challenge.”
Given the numerous amendments to the Protocol, which have quelled some of the controversy, Dalton is confident that he can enter to win and is not overly concerned about the Defender’s ability to build two boats-the issue is locations. “We are now waiting for the announcement for the places where the Series, qualifiers and final match will be held so that we can complete our business plan and present it to our supporters for approval“.
The crew is expected to include Dean Barker, Glen Ashby, Chris Nicholson, Peter Burling, Blair Tuke, Jeremy Lomas, Ray Davies, and Edwin DeLoat, among others.
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