Emalloru: the YouTuber circumnavigated Sicily without knowing how to sail


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Emalloru aboard Pampero
Emalloru aboard Pampero

A plunge from sailing the sea of the Internet to sailing the real sea, aboard a boat, for the first time in life. That’s what youtuber, filmmaker and videomaker Emalloru, real name Emanuele Malloru, did when he decided almost on the spur of the moment to buy a boat and circumnavigate Sicily. All, of course, told in an exciting film that can be found on his YouTube channel.

Emalloru – The Goal: buy an old boat and go around Sicily

It was July 14 when Ema published the appetizer
of this adventure, his first taste of sailing experienced aboard Peperita with Francesco Sena. One of the most followed youtubers/sailors on the web, Francesco Sena is passionate about fishing, travel and also “extreme” sailing. He embarked with Giancarlo Pedote on the return crossing from the Caribbean to France on the Imoca 60 and told all about it on his YouTube channel. We
we honored him at Sailor of the Year 2022 as Most Voted
. Francis and Ema are friends; it is after living aboard Peperita that Emalloru decides to take the plunge and buy a boat of his own, and so comes Pampero, a 10-meter from the Rax shipyard. Although when Emanuele first boards Pampero.

doesn’t even know how a rudder works

, his plan to circumnavigate Sicily slowly takes off. And practically without knowing how to sail he puts himself in charge of his boat.

After some refit work that Pampero undergoes, Ema sets off on her adventure. Several people board his boat; for one of them, this experience is also the first opportunity to leave his small home country of Sicily. The film of Emalloru’s adventure is a succession of images and emotions that make one rediscover the true spirit of sailing, such as the intimate and special connection that is established only between semi-strangers on board. Watch it, get excited and be drawn in, waiting for the ending that perhaps brings us all back down to earth a bit, and reminds us that the sea is also an adversary to be respected.



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